Contracting Cohort: Unlocking Opportunities with the Federal Government

The United States Federal government is the largest consumer of goods and services, having spent a staggering $694 billion in contracting for fiscal year 2022. With such substantial investment, contracting opportunities are available for businesses of all sizes and industries. While federal government contracts alone can be a game changer for small businesses, there are also opportunities to contract with city, county, and state agencies, as well as private organizations.

If you’re ready to tap into the potential of doing business with the government, Dr. Angela K. Chambers, in partnership with the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, Inc., is proud to bring a contracting cohort to the area for small business owners. Dr. Chambers, who has been awarded contracts totaling millions of dollars from federal, county, and city agencies as a General Contractor, understands the importance of diversity in the bidding process.

With the support of Dr. Freeman Culver, president of the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, Inc., the first cohort has been scheduled to provide information and opportunities for small businesses. The federal government offers contracts that are specifically set aside for minorities, women, veterans, and other qualifying businesses. However, a significant portion of these dollars goes unspent due to the lack of participation or bids received from qualifying businesses.

Are you registered to do business with the federal government? Do you know how to get started? Do you have a strategy? This cohort is designed for business owners who are ready to start bidding on contracts and to prepare business for bidding. Learn from Dr. Chambers, who will share her wins, lows, mistakes, and mishaps, providing valuable insights for those serious about securing contracts.

To learn more about the cohort, a Mixer event has been scheduled for Monday, December 4, 2023, at 6:30 PM at The Greenwood Beat – WFPG located in the historic Greenwood District, Tulsa, OK. The Mixer is FREE, offering an opportunity to gather more information and network with like-minded individuals. Registration for the first cohort, which begins on December 11, 2023, will be open during the event. The cohort will run until February 2024, allowing time off for the holidays.

Invest in your business and RSVP for the Mixer by emailing Unlock the potential of contracting with the federal government and take your business to new heights.