The Greenwood Beat – WFPG: Making Waves in Tulsa’s Black Wall Street

The Greenwood Beat – WFPG is making waves in the heart of Tulsa, Oklahoma, also known as “Black Wall Street.” As the first black, women-owned radio station in Oklahoma, WFPG is bringing a fresh perspective to the airwaves.

Since its launch on June 08, 2023, WFPG has been trending and growing, gaining recognition for their exceptional content and dedication to excellence. Recently, WFPG received exciting news from MEDIOQ, a premier platform connecting individuals and businesses with top-notch media, news, and broadcasting services worldwide.

MEDIOQ added The Greenwood Beat – WFPG to their online directory, recognizing the station as a shining example of excellence in the industry. This recognition not only validates the hard work and talent of the WFPG team but also opens doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

People are listen and taking notice! Are you ready to advertise with us? Advertise your business, your next event or new product or service. We offer great rates and various packages. Contact our sales team today to advertise with The Greenwood Beat – WFPG.

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