It’s the Saturday Morning Clean Up Jam Session: What’s on the List?

It’s the Saturday Morning Clean Up Jam Session: What’s on the List?

What’s going on the list? Leave me a comment or two! Help a sista out! Was it cleaning day at your house on Saturday mornings? Like before “Fat Albert?”  Did you carry the tradition out? Where yah at? Tell me what you are listening to on a Saturday,  preparing to clean?

Drop some good ones!! We don’t want anything that’s going to make us take a nap. Let’s go!

Lakeside maybe? Fantastic Voyage!!

The Greenwood Beat – WFPG is HERE! We’re going to have a GREAT time on this station!

#thegreenwoodbeat #wfpg #theoriginalblackwallstreet #greenwood #tulsa #cleaning #saturdays #jammin #angelakchambers