Have you Thought About Hosting Your Own Radio Show?

Have you Thought About Hosting Your Own Radio Show?

If you have thought about hosting your own radio show, now is the time! The Greenwood Beat – WFPG is accepting submissions for weekly shows, which are either 30 minutes or one hour in length, for Tulsa’s newest radio station located in the heart of the Historic Greenwood District.

The Greenwood Beat – WFPG launched on Thursday, June 8, 2023, in the Historic Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, also known as “The Original Black Wall Street.”  Making history on that day, WFPG became the FIRST BLACK, FEMALE-OWNED radio station in Oklahoma! Started by Angela K. Chambers as Chief Executive Officer and Francetta L. Mays as Chief Operations Officer, the station just celebrate one month on air.

New shows are in the works behind the scene to make their way to the weekly broadcast rotation.  However, the platform has room for a few more shows.  The syndicated “Refocused & Informed Radio Talk Show” currently broadcasts every Thursday, 2-3 PM CST on WFPG. “Saturday Clean Up Jams” with Angela K. Chambers airs at 8:00 AM CST and “The Quiet Storm…Magic After Dark The “Maestro” with Carle L. King II for Caliedascope Radio Network airs at 7:00 PM on Saturdays. On Sundays, Old-school gospel airs from 5:00 AM CST – 11:00 AM CST  and then “Trumpet on Greenwood” hosted by Minister Alvin Muhammad airs at 1:30 PM.

Upcoming show launching this week, “Flippin’ the Script” hosted by Francetta L. Mays will kick of Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM CST.

Submissions can be submitted via email to programming@thegreenwoodbeat.com.






The Greenwood Beat – WFPG



Tulsa Branch NAACP #6143B to Host a Resource Fair and Members Meeting

Tulsa, Oklahoma – July 8, 2023 – The President of the Tulsa Branch NAACP #6143B has scheduled the Resource Fair and Members Meeting meeting for Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at the Historic Vernon AME Church (Vernon). Vernon is located at 311 N Greenwood Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma. Doors open at 5:00 PM CST and the meeting will begin at 6:00 PM.

Vendors have been invited to this meeting. A representative from the Oklahoma US Department of Veteran Affairs will be one of the community resource vendors! The community is invited to come out and be apart of the new experience of the NAACP for Tulsa.

Francetta L. Mays was voted in as President in the November 2023 elections and has been confirmed as such by the National NAACP office. Mays strongly encourages the community to come out and get involved as the organization works to create change and bridge the various gaps facing the community.

President Mays will share the goals, vision and the mission of the Tulsa branch while under her leadership. She wants, needs and requests the input of the community and has structed the meetings to allow for public comment from members and the community at each meeting. Mays stated, “It’s unfair to expect people to show up and get involved when we do not allow them opportunity to express their concerns.”

Consider becoming a member of the Tulsa Branch NAACP #6143B. Annual and Lifetime memberships are available online www.naacp.org. Complete the short information in the “Become a Member” tab and then select Tulsa Branch #6143B for membership options.

Questions or concerns regarding this meeting can be submitted to Secretary Shaquia Verner at 918-280-8128. Or for more information email: naacptulsa@gmail.com

One at a Time Cleaning Service Sponsor of Saturday Morning Clean Up Jams

One at a Time Cleaning Service Sponsor of Saturday Morning Clean Up Jams

The “Saturday Morning Clean Up Jams” with host Angela K. Chambers is sponsored in part by “One at a Time Cleaning Service.” Owner, Mahogany, of One at a Time Cleaning Service joins the show on Saturday mornings giving out FREE tips to the listeners of the show!

Imagine walking into your clean kitchen…
It looks clean.
It feels clean.
It smells clean.
Ahhh…(happy sigh)
Take back your weekend with One at a Time Cleaning Service!

Get a free estimate at www.oneatatimecleaning.com.

TUNE in EVERY Saturday, 8:00 AM CST for the “Saturday Morning Clean Up Jams” and learn some free and maybe new cleaning tips to make your cleaning tasks easier.



Saturday Morning Clean Up Jams with Angela K. Chambers

The “Saturday Clean Up Jams” with Angela K. Chambers is back for its second week. She made it through week one and the station was still standing! So, she’s back. This show is dedicated to her cousin Rosalyn Rene’ James affectionately known to family as “Sally.”

Rosalyn gained her wings on Friday and was no stranger to the clean up Saturdays. Angela shared many fond memories of growing up with her cousin. Please keep Angela and her entire family in your prayers.

Mahogany will be checking in with some great cleaning tips!

TUNE in 8:00 AM CST on The Greenwood Beat – WFPG.


“My Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ” with the Trumpet on Greenwood

Tune in to The Greenwood Beat and listen to the Trumpet on Greenwood radio show
This week we will speak on:
“My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ”
Tune in at 1:30 PM CST for The Greenwood Beat – WFPG or listen from your favorite device. Watch live on the Trumpet on Greenwood Facebook account.


The Trumpet on Greenwood on The Greenwood Beat – WFPG EVERY Sunday @1:30 PM CST

Clean Up Jam Session with Angela K. Chambers

Clean Up Jam Session with Angela K. Chambers


The Saturday Morning Clean Up Jam Session with Angela K. Chambers KICKED OFF today at 8:00 AM CST on The Greenwood Beat – WFPG. Motivated by childhood memories of Saturday cleaning days, Angela created the show. The first show was dedicated to some of her MacTown (McAlester, Oklahoma) friends including one of her big sisters, Wilma Phifer Bennett. Angela shared how she used to “Be a thorn in my sister’s side and would be hanging out with her sister’s friends. Now it’s ‘cool’ to have them as friends.” SHOUT OUT to Phil Bryson, Wilma Phifer Bennett, Kevin Rushing, LaTrese Colbert, Angie Kirk, Bill Patterson, Ervan Rushing, Terri Watkins, Eric Clayton, Kim Boxley Austin, Angela Curtis Prince, Kerry Smith, and Eric Black.

Angela shared off air, “They are like family for me; big brothers and sisters! Together, we collectively do a lot of good deeds for hometown people, encourage and uplift one another and of course we have fun. Some one is always cracking a joke or to see the camaraderie in the texts back and forth, they are amazing! I love them all! I know they love me too. It felt good to dedicate my first session to them!”

TUNE in EVERY Saturday, 8:00 am cst for “Saturday Morning Clean Up Jam Session” with host Angela K. Chambers on The Greenwood Beat – WFPG!

Follow The Greenwood Beat – WFPG on Facebook.


Refocused & Informed Radio Talk Show with Special Guest: MarshLynne T. Bolden

Refocused & Informed Radio Talk Show with Special Guest: MarshLynne T. Bolden

MarshLynne T. Bolden

Tune in this Thursday, 2-3 pm cst for the Refocused & Informed Radio Talk Show with Angela K. Chambers and Francetta L. Mays. Special Guest, MarshLynne T. Bolden will talk about JUSTICE. She’s a new voice for Tulsa. We’re talking about politics, systems, and our community. LISTEN from your favorite device or just press play on our website.

Watch live on the Refocused & Informed Radio Talk Show on Facebook.

It’s first black, female-owned radio station in Oklahoma, The Greenwood Beat – WFPG. 

Connect and Support!

Show us some LOVE! CashApp $TheGreenwoodBeat we will SHOUT OUT! We need the community support. All communities!

Are you ready to ADVERTISE? Come on let’s GROW together! Contact us for advertising rates: sales@thegreenwoodbeat.com

Do you have a show idea or would like to be a guest on one of our shows?

Contact us!





Help Tulsa’s First Women-Owned Radio Station

Help Tulsa’s First Women-Owned Radio Station Buy New Equipment
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a groundbreaking project in the heart of Greenwood District, aka the Original Black Wall Street – The Greenwood Beat: WFPG. I’m Angela K. Chambers, the CEO and owner of the first women-owned radio station in the entire Tulsa.
Who Are We?
I’m Angela K. Chambers, a serial entrepreneur, community activist, and author. I’ve previously served as the First Vice President of the NAACP Tulsa branch. Moreover, I’m the co-founder of the Oklahoma Black-Owned Business Network and have been hosting the radio show “Refocused & Informed Radio Talk Show” since January 2022.
I laid the foundation of this community radio station with my partner and COO of the Greenwood Beat, Francetta L. Mays, who is the Associate Pastor at Vernon A.M.E. Church and President of NAACP Tulsa branch#6143.
Together, we strive to give a much-needed voice to the people of Tulsa and make a positive impact on the community. Now we need your support to bring our vision to life. Therefore, we are launching a fundraising campaign to raise $75K for the completion of our station setup and purchase of essential equipment for radio station operations.

Read More

The Quiet Storm…Magic After Dark The “Maestro” on The Greenwood Beat -WFPG

The Quiet Storm…Magic After Dark The “Maestro” on The Greenwood Beat -WFPG

Have you checked out The Quiet Storm…Magic After Dark The “Maestro” on The Greenwood Beat -WFPG? What are you waiting on? It always seems to have the right slow jam in rotation, right when it’s needed. Carle King, II, The “Maestro” himself, dubbed “Mr. Radio” is on The Greenwood Beat – WFPG every Saturday, 9PM.

Check him out! He plays those slow jams that make you fall in love. And Hey! Everyone can always use a little more LOVE!

Show Some Love to The Greenwood Beat – WFPG

Show Some Love to The Greenwood Beat – WFPG

The Greenwood Beat – WFPG put a request out in the spirit of Juneteenth! It’s an EXCITING time for Greenwood and for Angela K. Chambers and Francetta L. Mays, who made history for launching the new, black, female-owned radio station in the Greenwood District! The radio station launched on June 8, 2023 with family, friends, community members and news station KTUL Channel 8 and Fox 23 News Tulsa.

WFPG asked for the support of those connecting to SUPPORT their humanitarian efforts as the begin rolling out programming for the new platform. The request is for a $5 (or more) donation and to share the post. It’s never too late to show them so love, support and say congratulations with your donation. $TheGreenwoodBeat The station is online and can be accessed on your favorite device with programming 24/7, 365 days per year!

Come out and meet Angela and Francetta at the Historic Vernon AME Church, 307 – 311 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK @4:00 PM! Also catch them at The Official Juneteenth After Party featuring Monifah and Urban Mystic in the Greenwood Courtyard (OneOk Field), 121 N Greenwood., Tulsa, OK, at 10:30 PM.

Donations for The Greenwood Beat – WFPG may also be made payable to The Greenwood Beat – WFPG and mailed to 121 N. Greenwood Ave., Tulsa, OK 74120.

For more information email us: info@thegreenwoodbeat.com