The Story of The Original Black Wall Street Merchant Marketplace

The History of Black Wall Street

HBO is currently filming a new documentary titled ‘Black Wall Street Forever: The Story of the Greenwood District and the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, Inc. This documentary aims to shed light on the historic Greenwood District and its significance as the original Black Wall Street. As part of their filming, HBO is showcasing The Original Black Wall Street Merchant Marketplace (TOBWSMM), a collaborative effort between The Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, TCLiving & Marketing, and The Greenwood Beat – WFPG.

Understanding the Greenwood District

The Greenwood District, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was once a thriving African-American community in the early 20th century. It was home to various businesses, including restaurants, grocery stores, banks, and more. This thriving economic hub earned the nickname ‘Black Wall Street’ due to its prosperity and success.

The Tragedy of the Tulsa Race Massacre

However, the success and prosperity of the Greenwood District came to a devastating halt in 1921 during the Tulsa Race Massacre. A racially motivated attack led to the destruction of the entire district, leaving thousands of African-American residents homeless and countless businesses in ruins.

Rebuilding and Remembering

Despite the destruction caused by the Tulsa Race Massacre, the spirit of the Greenwood District persevered. The community rallied together to rebuild and restore their once-thriving neighborhood. Today, efforts are being made to commemorate the history and resilience of Black Wall Street by the current board led by President Dr. Freeman Culver through initiatives like The Original Black Wall Street Merchant Marketplace and The 28th Anniversary of the Million Man March Motorcycle Rally & Bike Show.

The Original Black Wall Street Merchant Marketplace

The TOBWSMM is a platform that showcases and supports black-owned businesses, both locally and nationally. It serves as a digital marketplace where consumers can discover and support a wide range of products and services offered by black entrepreneurs. By providing a centralized platform, TOBWSMM aims to empower and uplift black businesses, helping to create economic opportunities and foster success.

The Greenwood Women’s Business Center

In addition to TOBWSMM, the documentary will also highlight The Greenwood Women’s Business Center. This organization focuses on supporting and empowering women entrepreneurs within the Greenwood District. Through mentorship programs, educational resources, and networking opportunities, the Greenwood Women’s Business Center aims to nurture and promote the success of women-owned businesses.

Preserving History for Future Generations

The filming of ‘Black Wall Street Forever: The Story of the Greenwood District and the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, Inc.’ is an important step in preserving the history of the Greenwood District and ensuring that future generations are aware of its significance. By showcasing the resilience and achievements of the African-American community, this documentary will shed light on a chapter of history that has often been overlooked or forgotten. The band “Upscale Smoke” draws a crowd with their live performance of R&B hits from current and past.


As HBO continues to film on Greenwood, it is essential to recognize the importance of The Original Black Wall Street Merchant Marketplace, The Greenwood Women’s Business Center, and the efforts being made to commemorate the history of the Greenwood District. Through initiatives like these, the spirit of Black Wall Street lives on, inspiring and empowering black entrepreneurs both locally and nationally.