Conscious Lee on Flippin’ the Script with Francetta L. Mays

Conscious Lee on Flippin’ the Script with Francetta L. Mays

What a GREAT show! If you are black, LISTEN! If you are white, LISTEN! If you are human, LISTEN!!! Catch the replay. Watch below.

Conscious Lee is a Educational Consultant, Workshop Facilitator and Social Media Influencer

George “Conscious” Lee is a dynamic orator, innovator, educator, and influential content creator.  His work sits at the intersection of media, socio-political issues, and popular culture. Lee is “purposefully provocative” as a tool to elevate and educate around pertinent topics of his generation through social media content, speaking engagement, lectures and online courses.  Lee believes: You cannot change what you don’t know needs to be changed. His work aids people in uncovering what needs to be changed and equips them with the tools on how to change. The starting point is “consciousness.” His style provokes dialogue and conflict meant to inspire transformation. Lee has developed a brand of educational entertainment that translates an understanding of oppression, consciousness, intersectionality, and gender identity to both the TikTok generation and baby Boomers alike.. 

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Website: TheConsciousLee


Flippin’ the Script

Francetta L. Mays host of Flippin’ the Script on The Greenwood Beat – WFPG. The show broadcasts every Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 3:00 PM CST.

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